What You Need To Know About Trigger Point Injections - MCR Health

What You Need To Know About Trigger Point Injections

What Are Trigger Point Injections?

Trigger Point Injections (TPI) are an option to treat pain in areas that can feel like knots under the skin. Medical News Today cites the purpose of this procedure as a way to, “treat chronic muscle pain and other issues that affect the musculoskeletal system.” This treatment relaxes stiff muscles and helps patients with chronic pain.

Who can benefit from this procedure?

Anyone with chronic pain! Whether they’re pain is caused by a work or sports-related injury, many patients will benefit from this innovative therapy. Trigger Point Injections (TPI) are an incredible solution to anyone who is suffering from muscle pain.

These injections help provide both relief and pain management. These trigger points of pain can be anywhere in the body. WebMD lists common pain sites as, “the arms, legs, lower back, and neck.” 

What Can Trigger Point Injections Do?

Trigger point injections are a fairly simple procedure that involves inserting a small needle into the area with a mix of local anesthetic. The treatment is known to help patients by relaxing muscles and reducing inflammation.

The effectiveness of TPI for myofascial pain is still under study as it is a new form of treatment. However, due to the procedure’s noninvasive nature many patients may indeed prefer this treatment option.

Are There Side Effects of TPI?

According to WebMD Trigger Point Injections may cause some side effects that typically show up immediately afterwards such as:

  • Pain or temporary numbness around the injection site
  • Discoloration near the injection site
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Bleeding from the site 

Side effects may vary from mild to severe, so patients should discuss if this treatment is the best option. If side effects are persistent and interfere with daily life, then it is advised for patients to contact their doctor for revaluation. 

What Can MCR Health Do?

Many people find relief through Trigger Point Injections. Alternative treatments for pain management may include physical therapy and surgery. TPIs serve as a noninvasive procedure.

MCR Health provides treatment at state-of-the-art facilities to patients with sports or work-related injuries, getting them back to normal activities. Moreover, our Sports Medicine team can assist patients of all ages in providing treatment that is effective and is sustainable. 

Call today to make an appointment to find out if Trigger point injections are right for you!

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