Cancer Skin Rash: What You Need To Know - MCR Health

Cancer Skin Rash: What You Need To Know

Are you worried about a skin rash? If so, you can find answers with the help of a dermatologist. We are here to help you! We can help provide some useful information about skin rashes that could indicate underlying health conditions.

In this article, we will discuss what’s considered a skin rash, the types of skin rashes to watch out for, and how our care team can help.

What’s Considered A Skin Rash?

The appearance of a rash does not automatically mean there is an underlying health issue. This is because most rashes can come from ordinary causes. For example, some can be a reaction to heat, medicine, a plant like poison ivy, or a new laundry detergent according to Mayo Clinic.

Fortunately, most rashes can heal on their own or with the help of over-the-counter medicine. But it is helpful to monitor the skin’s appearance so that you can know what is new, and what has always existed.

Patients who are familiar with the appearance of their skin are in a better position to identify a skin rash over a normal reaction. For example excess sun exposure, hot and humid weather, or even scratchy clothes can affect the skin and give the appearance of rashes. Most rashes commonly appear in the areas of the hands, feet, ankles, neck, upper body, and limbs. While skin markings can be common and do not always indicate underlying health conditions, there are times when patients should consult a dermatologist to get answers.

A few of the most common, serious rashes seen on patients according to Healthline are as follows:

●     Actinic keratosis

●     Cutaneous horns

●     Moles (Nevil)

●     Seborrheic keratosis

●     Basal cell carcinoma

●     Merkel cell carcinoma

●     Basal cell nevus syndrome

●     Mycosis fungoides

When a new skin mark causes discomfort or does not heal properly, visiting a dermatologist is recommended because these symptoms suggest a higher level of severity.

Could it be Cancerous

Although many are benign, some rashes can indeed indicate cancer. These rashes or spots might be raised, oozing, or even bleeding easily. Patients who notice a change in a skin mark are advised to visit a dermatologist for an examination.

The MD Anderson’s Leukemia Center presents several explanations for red rashes related to cancer patients.

Leukemia cutis: A major skin disorder known as leukemia cutis connected to blood cancer leukemia. This skin rash appears as growths on the skin. 

Paraneoplastic syndromes: Paraneoplastic syndromes are caused by an unusual immune response to a cancerous tumor in the body. Patients with this condition suffer when their white blood cells attack normal cells of the body in confusion.

Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: (BPDCN) is associated with acute leukemia often appearing as skin lesions.

Sometimes skin rashes can even be a sign of possible blood cancer. For example, WebMD mentions rashes such as mycosis fungoides as being potentially cancerous.

It is, however, important to remember not every rash is related to cancer. A rash can be an allergic reaction or hives with no further cause for alarm. But if a patient has any concerns they should be addressed with a dermatologist.

If their dermatologist suspects that the condition is cancerous, he or she will order tests, and if the results are positive, then treatment can begin.

Skin Cancer Treatments

Most cases of skin cancer can be treated in an outpatient setting or dermatologist’s office. The Cancer Treatment Centers of America lays out some of the most common kinds of treatments for skin cancer patients as the following:

  • Surgery: Most skin cancers can be treated with surgery. This treatment is the most straightforward. It involves the dermatologist removing the patch of the patient’s skin, a procedure which can typically be performed outpatient.
  • Chemotherapy: Often used in cases with advanced skin cancer, this treatment is used when it has been determined that the cancer has spread into other areas of the body.
  • Radiation therapy: A kind of treatment used after surgery, designed to kill any remaining cancer cells to decrease the risk of cancer returning.
  • Targeted therapy: Used to more precisely seek out the cancer cells in the body providing a less taxing experience on the body than treatments such as chemotherapy.
  • Immunotherapy: A type of treatment used to trigger the body’s immune system to identify and attack the cancer cells of the body.

Depending on the type of skin cancer, a patient might require a particular treatment plan. In contrast to other cancers, patients with melanoma may need more aggressive treatment.

But in most cases, treatment will involve removing the skin growth surgically, ensuring that the cancer has not spread, and then using chemotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells. 

How We Can Help

Rashes and other skin conditions can be a sign of underlying health conditions. If you are worried about skin cancer, rashes, or any other skin condition, you may want to consult a dermatologist for a diagnosis and treatment. Skin problems are a common affliction with many treatment options offered by trained experts.

At MCR Health, our dermatology team is composed of experts who use their experience with the latest technology to provide quality treatment to our patients.

Our amazing team of dermatologists can create individualized treatment plans for each patient. By working with our patients, we don’t just treat skin conditions, we create long-term solutions by creating optimal results all starting with that first step. Schedule an appointment with us to find answers and get treatment!

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