Compliance Information
MCR Health is fully committed to conducting all of its activities in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations and in conformance with the highest standards of business integrity.
As such, the organization expects its patients, staff, vendors, contractors, and any other individuals affiliated with its services to report concerns, suspected violations, and/or potential noncompliance with the organization’s Compliance Information Plan, Code of Conduct, laws, rules, or regulations, including any identified issues or questions associated with our policies and procedures with respect to any Federal health care programs or grants.
MCR Health provides a method through which our patients, staff, vendors, contractors and any other affiliates can communicate questions or concerns confidentially without fear of retribution or retaliation. If a patient, staff member, vendor, contractor, or other individual affiliated with its services chooses to make an anonymous report, the individual may submit his or her report through the Corporate Compliance Hotline at (941) 845-4922 or by emailing the compliance concern to the organization at [email protected]. MCR Health will not take any adverse actions such as intimidation or other forms of retribution against patients, staff, vendors, contractors, and other individuals affiliated with its services following the submission of a concern, perceived violation, or report of noncompliance when he or she believes, in good faith, that the submission is true and accurate.
Compliance, HIPPA Privacy, and HIPPA Security Offers
MCR Health has appointed a Corporate Compliance Officer, HIPAA Privacy Officer, and HIPAA Security Officer. If a patient, staff member, vendor, contractor, or any other individuals affiliated with its services has a concern about IT Security, Privacy, patient care and/or safety as it relates to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), we encourage you to report such concerns to the organization’s Legal and Compliance Department at (941) 845-4922 or by emailing the compliance concern to [email protected].
The Joint Commission
MCR Health is accredited by The Joint Commission for Ambulatory Health Care, Home Care and Primary Care Medical Home. If you have contacted MCR to discuss your issue, but feel your concern was not resolved through the MCR Patient Feedback process, you, or a representative of your choice may contact the Office of Quality Monitoring of the Joint Commission by either calling 800-994-6610, or sending an e-mail to [email protected] or visiting for more information.