Quality Measure Report Request
Request Type:
New Report
Revision to Report
Revision to Report
Only authorized personal may request reports. If you are unsure, please email
ehrdept@mcr.health to see if you qualify.
Requested by (name):
Key Contact (name):
Phone Number:
System the report is to be run from:
Date needed*:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Reports generally take 5-7 business days to process and be built. We will try our best to
accommodate the date provided.
Please provide the intent of the report:
Please provide what is expected from the report (Please explain thoroughly. This allows us to better understand what is being requested):
Please list the quality measure:
Date range for data (i.e. previous month, year to date, last 2 years, etc.)
How often does the report need to be run?
If not one time, specify when report is to be run (i.e. first Monday or last day of the month):
If this report is going to an Athena report inbox, please list who is to receive the report (first and last name):
EHR Team Only
Received on:
Assigned to:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
EHR Approval:
Please enter your name
QA by: